Flare Line

Direction Goals’ Tubular Running Services for Flare Line torquing to facilitate safe and efficient running of Flare line, minimizes Well site risk and reduces non-productive time,
Leverages our tubular running expertise and innovative technologies to enhance the safety and efficiency of a Well site operation. This system ensures efficient and effective Flare Line make up service.

  • Our Systems omit using crane for lifting and suspending the Power Tong.
  • Our Systems avoid the overhead operations and decreases risk level saving the crane usage for another operation.
  • Our System ensures the better alignment for the pipes and increases the stabbing efficiency and pipe lifetime, which reduces cost of changing the damaged pipes;
  • Avoids miscommunication between the crane operators and the flare line crew.
  • Our New System gives an advantage of avoiding injury of ‘Hands stuck in between the pipes’ situation for technicians to align and stab the pipe during the make-up/break-out process.
  • Our new system saves the operations time for making up or breaking out flare line over using the manual wrench or using the Power Tong that is suspended by a crane.
  • Our new invented system is for safe operation and is low risk compared to pipe wrench or crane suspended power tong operations.
  • Direction Goals’ equipment is covering torque requirements for all pipe sizes from 2-3/8” up to 5-1/2”.
  • Our system ensures torque monitoring while making up the pipes using a built-in pressure gauge and torque gaugesystem.
  • Direction Goals also provides all the range of Flare Line Pipes to our clients.

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